Making Your Home Stand Out This Summer


As real estate’s hottest season is coming to a close, sellers can take advantage of the last push through busy season by making their homes stand out amongst the crowd. Competition may be up but these tips will make sure you can catch the eye of potential buyers before fall arrives.

Tour Other Homes on the Market

Take a walk in the buyer’s shoes. Touring others homes might help shed light on what works well and what doesn’t. We become so familiarized in our own homes that stepping outside the box can spark new ideas you might not have thought of incorporating. During the tours, take advantage of noting what decor and styles seem to be popular amongst buyers; creating the right environment can make a big difference at the end of the day!

Tip: take notes after each tour of what stood out to you the most about the home and what could be improved

Complete Your Home Inspection Upfront

Always an anticipated part of the closing process, home inspections are never fun for either party. This is a guaranteed way to set your home apart from others on the market and will certainly catch the attention of buyers. By making any simple repairs recommended by the inspector, you go one step further to expediting the closing process and giving potential buyers peace of mind.

Tip: It’s often cheaper to make the necessary repairs ahead of time instead of negotiating with the buyer later

Completely Remove Clutter

Decluttering and cleaning is always a must when you put your home on the market. This isn’t simply a cleaning or moving items from one room to a closet, but actually REMOVING the unnecessary items from your home. If your home has been well-loved this might take some effort upfront but the payoff will be well worth it. Consider either donating items, storing them for the time being or tossing items away that are no longer needed. Buyers are able to picture themselves in the home much easier without the distraction of clutter and after all that is the goal.

Tip: living by the motto of ‘everything has a home’ will help you keep track of what needs to go

Curb Appeal is Key

But you already knew that. Take the extra bit of time to clear the weeds and keep the lawn trimmed—you never know when a prospective buyer might drive by! Since the exterior of your home and yard are the first thing the buyer’s see, it’s important to make a good impression.

Tip: adding new plant life around the outside of your home is a simple way to bring the space to life