6 Staging Mistakes to Avoid


Staging a home is one of the most crucial steps in preparing it to successfully hit the market. Strategic staging presents a home in its best light, increases its appeal to a wide audience, and allows potential buyers to envision their future lives in the house. However, there are some mistakes that sellers make when undertaking important tasks. Read on so you can identify these common errors before making them yourself.


Starting Without a Plan

The good news is, by doing research, like reading this very blog, you’ve already taken a step towards successfully staging your listing. Continue down the right path by carefully planning when you’ll need to have it staged by (leave yourself plenty of time for adequate cleaning, arranging, and any repairs necessary), what your vision is, and who you’ll need to contact to make it happen. A talented real estate agent will be able to guide you through this process, answering any questions you have and connecting you with the appropriate resources.


Too Much Furniture

Most of the time, less is more when staging. Don’t overdo it by adding too many pieces of furniture, as this will overwhelm the space, making it appear smaller and more closed in than it actually is. Focus solely on the important pieces that almost everyone has in their homes. For example, when staging a living room, a stylish mid-sized sofa and coffee table are great additions to demonstrate how the space can be situated once buyers move in.


Hanging Pictures Too High

Simple mistakes like placing pictures and paintings too high can make a room look awkward, create a sense of unease when viewing it, and distract people who are touring from seeing the home’s positive aspects. Place photos approximately at eye level for a balanced design.


Displaying Knick Knacks

Buyers don’t want a sense of the previous owners’ design sensibilities or personal style when viewing the home. This type of décor is often seen as clutter, and it stops people from being able to insert themselves into the space as there is too much in it that still speaks of its previous owners’ taste. Standard décor pieces like vases, classic books, and paintings should be displayed in favor of sports memorabilia, collectibles, etc.


Neglecting Exterior Areas

Think of the exterior of your home as the first impression it will make on a buyer. When putting in so much work to ready the interior, sometimes the outside of the property gets put on the back burner. But landscaping, arranging patio furniture, and cleaning any fountains or pools on the property is a must when preparing your home for the market.


Leaving Rooms Empty

You have the living room, dining room, and porch staged, so you figure that’s good enough and leave the bedrooms empty—this is a mistake, as it will make the home feel decidedly unfinished. See your plan through and make sure that the entire home is staged, even if it’s a simple arrangement. Remember, a little goes a long way.


Contact me today if you’re thinking of selling your home. We can put you on the path to success and get started on strategically preparing your home to hit the market looking its absolute best.