5 Benefits of Hosting All-Star Week in Seattle

The MLB All-Star Game, or Midsummer Classic, is an annual baseball game played by top players from various teams. Although, if you’re a Seattle resident, you’re likely well-versed on this huge event already as we were lucky enough to host it this year in our Emerald City. Apart from all the fun energy this summer event ushered in, there were countless long-term benefits that accompanied the action-packed week. Read on to learn more about how the week benefited us as the honored host city.

1. Supports the economy. Given the popularity of MLB in the country, it makes sense that flocks of people, ranging from the casual observer of the sport to the diehard fan, all want to tune in to see the best of the best come together to play one of the most exciting games of the year. This incredibly popular event brought visitors from all over the country, encouraging tourism and causing hotels, restaurants, bars, and transportation services to all see significant boosts during the busy week.

Visitors who traveled to Seattle to enjoy the All-Star Week festivities were certainly kept busy with all the MLB-related events to attend, but in between getting autographs from their favorite Mariners and cheering their hearts out during the big game, there was plenty of time to visit some of the city’s most iconic attractions and grab a treat at Pike Place Market, stroll the waterfront, or catch some spectacular views from the Space Needle. This renowned game serves as a great way to invite tourists who may not have otherwise planned a trip to Seattle to stop by and experience our vibrant city.

2. Enhanced infrastructure. Like any major event that seems to sweep the city into a productive few weeks—or months—of preparation, All-Star Week inspires the city to take a look at infrastructure and what updates, upgrades, and changes may be needed to improve transportation and accessibility within the city. If there are any areas of the city that are lacking in efficiency, an event of this magnitude pushes officials to address these issues head-on. For city residents, these changes often lead to long-term fixes for issues. Mayor Bruce Harrell spoke about how the plan to prepare for the week was enacted with the intention to sustain these improvements even after the All-Star Game, like keeping the streets clean, maintaining safety, and offering shelter for those in need.

3. Increased community engagement. For baseball fans, All-Star Week is an exciting time of year every year. However, Seattle hosting the game also pulled in plenty more casual fans who were able to attend events, get caught up in the bustling energy, and experience the excitement and importance of the week, even if they don’t typically follow baseball. Many Seattle residents found themselves swept up in the spirit of fun, presented with more opportunities to get out into their community and attend fan events, charity initiatives, and even explore volunteer opportunities. It was a great reminder of what makes Seattle so great: the people. Pulling off an event of this size is certainly a reason to be proud of our city, and only promises plenty of good things to come.

4. Boost for local businesses. In addition to popular tourist attractions seeing a boost in visitors, local businesses also experienced more foot traffic and media attention as all eyes were on Seattle. It was an excellent time for businesses who capitalized on the extra attention and used the platform to gain more business not only from visitors but also from residents who may have not yet visited their establishment.

Restaurants, hotels, shops, and bars that leveraged this rare opportunity were able to showcase their offerings and generate revenue.

5. Lasting legacy. Hosting the All-Star Week is a privilege, and Seattle should give itself a hand, not only for being chosen to host it but also for pulling it off, which is no minor feat. The increased exposure, improved infrastructure, and economic benefits were all amazing benefits from the week. But being a part of history and being offered the ability to broadcast what makes our unique city so special, welcoming, and robust is a priceless perk of playing host.

RSIR Digital Team