Update Your Home's Curb Appeal


Spring Selling Season is Around the Corner

Here Are Updates you Can Make to Help Your Home’s Curb Appeal

In the Pacific Northwest, the first half of the year is the prime selling season. And this year will be of no exception with a market that’s hotter than ever. As the plants bloom and the sun stays awake for a few hours longer, more homes enter the marketplace, and curb appeal becomes even more important. If you’re looking to take advantage of the increase in buyers and the hot market and landing top dollar for your home, consider some of these upgrades to help your home’s curb appeal.

  1. A Fresh Coat of Exterior Paint

This is one of the first projects a new buyer may take on if the home has a color that doesn’t fit well next to other homes, is too bold, or isn’t a fit for their aesthetic. However, with the right fresh color is exterior paint, this could be the things that makes someone fall in love with your home. Here are a few examples of classic colors and textures:


2. Adding Colorful Plants to Spruce Up the Front Yard

In fact, this could be the difference between a home that’s the coveted gem of the block, and one that has untapped potential that neighbors will recognize. Some towns even have competitions for this! Seize the opportunity of the season with a collection worth the eye of every passerby.


3. Refresh Your House Number

There are many options to choose from when it comes to proudly displaying your house number beside your front door or mailbox. It’s often the first indicator of the owner’s sense of style. Will you go modern, classic, rustic or grand?

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